Every once in a while, Christmas comes early . Last week that is just what happened in Mokhotlong. After lots of finagling with DHL between the US and Lesotho, our giant box of goodies from the States arrived safe and sound. Full of surprises, things we had requested and a few things we’d forgotten while in the US, this package was exciting for all the St.Clairs.

Dusty jammies and motorcycles for Kyle
Horse jammies for Ellee
Inside we found a new baby doll for our little Baby Doll. Superman and Planes jammies for Kyle. Super hero undies for Jonathan… just kidding, those were for Kyle, too. Chili powder, Reese’s, a thermometer and Arm & Hammer toothpaste for Mama. And a giant box of shells and cheese, a new iPad case and head phones, and marshmallows for Sunday Night Sleepovers for Jonathan. There were other things, too, like new jammies for Ellee, motorcycles for Kyle, a piano toy for Ellee, and a Liberty reading light for Jono. His and hers coffee creamers. Oh, and two pounds of pepperonis. Ahhhh.... the taste of home.
So excited about pepperonis, I had to deviate from our normal leftovers-for-supper on Wednesday night and make some pizza. Oh man, delicious! These Americans think they are Italian with as much pizza and pasta and stromboli as we eat!
So this is how Kyle tells us what he wants to wear to bed now....
Thanks, Uncle Ric and contributing parties for getting our package to us!
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