Hello everyone! Today is my birthday party! I am so excited! I slept in this morning.... It is Saturday and I know Mommy likes it when I sleep in on Saturdays. When I woke up, I heard rain drops on the trees outside my window. I played in my crib for a while with my animals before Dad came in to get me. He took me in to Mommy where we had our usual snuggle time and I ate breakfast. Then, Daddy took me downstairs to play.

After my morning nap, I got dressed up for my big party! See my new outfit? Mommy made it for me. She picked lots of colors for the balloons and I watched her smock them. Then, she cut out the pattern and sewed it all together until the very end, with Lollee's supervision. Sometimes I watched her sew, sometimes I napped while she sewed. I like this outfit. Mommy says it makes my eyes look bright blue. Do you like it?
Getting ready is so much fun when Daddy dresses me!
Team effort.
Wow, shoes? This must really be important!
My guests started arriving around lunch time. Lollee, Pops, my aunts Lacy, Holly and Maggie and my uncles Ryan and Caleb all came to help me celebrate my very first birthday! I have a lot of other aunts and uncles and a Grammy and PaPa. Mommy said they couldn't be here today but she took pictures so they could see, too. For lunch Mommy chose things I could eat just like everyone else. She made Yummy Goodness, a sweet and savory Temple favorite consisting of crescent roll dough, meat, cheese and a drizzle of syrup on top. Delicious! She also served a fruit salad and vegetable plate, chips and lemonade.
I liked the Yummy Goodness! I ate it all up!
After lunch, I opened my presents! That was a lot of fun! I am so glad everyone gave me lots of paper to play with 'cause that's my favorite part! Thanks to everyone who sent me gifts for my birthday!
Thank you, thank you everyone for coming to my birthday party!
Being one is fantastic!
Snuggling my Teddy Bear from Grammy and PaPa
Studying the outfit from Grammy and PaPa
My aunts and uncle were excited about watching me open their gifts!
Big, fun toy from Trent and Kaylee
Lots of stylin' jammies from Uncle Ric and Aunt Rachel
Stuffed monkey from Uncle Ryan.
I got a few other gifts like a water toy and a Mr. Potato Head but, Mommy's camera died and she couldn't photograph anymore right then. Thanks everyone!
Cupcakes were saved for last. Mommy made them all bright colors like the balloons on my outfit. They tasted yummy and I demolished almost a whole one by myself.

Chowing down on my cupcake like a pro!
Pretty soon I'll be taking another nap. My party was so much fun it wore me out! Thanks everyone for coming! You made my day extra special! And thanks for sending me lots of presents, cards and well wishes. This has been the best year of my life!