Over the past year we have been asked by many people what our plans are now. And since we have been in the States much longer than we expected without any set plans for the future, I can understand everyone's questions about what we are doing here. Recently, it seems that the questions have gone from "Where are you going next?" to "Are you still going at all?" Yes, we are still going. No, we still don't know where yet.
For someone who thrives off having a plan, this past year has tried my patience more than any other year in my life. It has been increasingly difficult to sit back and wait as we pray and watch the Lord lead us to ministries and away from ministries. Yet, I have a peace in my heart now as we wait, because I know He is in control and He has a plan. And His plans are much higher than my insignificant ideas of what we should do, where we should go, or how we should get there!
Likely are you wondering where the mobile comes into play. I'm getting there. Two years ago, before Jonathan and I moved to Mexico, we were at our home church in Illinois. A Kenyan missionary couple was there speaking about their ministry at a Bible college and orphanage. Jonathan and I were still trying to raise support to move to Mexico, as well as learn Spanish in order to communicate with people once we got there. When my dear husband learned that they teach the college students in English so that each student can go back to his tribe and translate into their dialect, he broke into tears. Frustrated that support raising was going slowly and seeing that there are ministries where all you need to do is GO, he was overwhelmed with the desire to meet the call to missions. On many occasions he and I have mentioned the possibility of moving to Kenya and working with our friends the Manyaras. But, it wasn't until this spring, after being denied by OM, that we were reconnected with them at a missions conference and really began discussing with them this possibility.
As of now, it is still just that, a possibility. Jonathan has written the academic dean at Moffat Bible College and expressed our interest in serving there for an initial term of two years. Paul Manyara was the college's president for the past 7 years and his suggestion was to communicate with the school before applying to Africa Inland Missions (the mission organization we would go through to get there). Daily we are praying that the Lord would swing this door wide open. Although I know it would stretch me, likely even more than I was stretched living in Mexico, I am excited at the prospect of serving beside people who are so excited about the ministry the Lord is sustaining there. Jonathan would teach classes at the college and I would be able to serve with orphan programs when my mommy schedule permits. As we are still waiting, praying and communicating with Moffat, Jonathan is planning on beginning seminary classes next month. We both believe that whether we serve with Moffat or another ministry, additional Bible training could only be beneficial.
Please pray with us as we seek God's face and His will for our lives. We are thrilled to imagine serving our Lord in Kenya, but, if not Kenya, somewhere in this world. We are asking that He show us exactly where!
"Can Changito come, too, Mommy?"
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