Friday, November 9, 2012

10 Weeks

These past few weeks have been some of the longest of my life.  I remember being "nauseous" with Kyle.  But, I only remember "getting sick" a handful of times with him.  This time, I am spending my days going between the couch and the bathroom.  My appetite is almost non existent.  Kyle is probably eating twice as much as I am.  Even when something tastes good, I can't eat more than a few bites before maxing out.  I'm miserable.  I can't even imagine dealing with this until 15 weeks (the average time that I'm hearing this "morning sickness" lets up).  Over the past four and a half weeks I've lost 10 lbs. Under normal circumstances that might seem like a good thing.  But, right now I feel so weak it's scaring me.

Yesterday at the doctor I had another ultrasound done to determine a due date.  The little 10 week old baby inside me was kicking and waving like crazy!  My due date is June 7th but as I learned all too well with Kyle, babies come when they get good and ready.  Since this baby will be born in the southern hemisphere, it will actually be a winter baby!  I love winter.  It means lots of little booties and hats and warm blankies.  Can't wait!

I started a third nausea medicine yesterday, Reglan.  So far Phenegren and Zofran have had no effect on me.  I'm praying this one is successful.  I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed with trying to get my house packed up and life ready to move around the world two months from tomorrow.  Words cannot adequately express how thankful I am that my family is here to help me out.  I feel completely helpless; I can't change Kyle's diapers without getting sick, I can't cook without getting sick.  I can barely open the refrigerator without gagging.  Basically I'm good for nothing and I hate it.  So, I'm so glad my mom, dad and sisters are able to help me especially since Jono is in the middle of an extremely busy semester. Although, he is doing the best he can to help with Kyle when he isn't at work.  Thanks, babe!

I am also thankful that despite my sickness, the baby is growing and developing well.  Apparently it doesn't take a whole lot to sustain a little life.  I can't wait to meet you, little baby, and I can't wait to feel better so I can be more excited that you're in there!

Sorry the picture is backwards, I'm using PhotoBooth as I'm too lazy to get my real camera.


1 comment:

  1. Oh wow...two months from TOMORROW!! We are so close! Love and prayers :)
